UCS history

  • ucs v1.3.6 released on 2014.08.19 changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.3.5.1 released on 2012.11.02 changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.3.5 released on 2012.09.29 changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.3.4 released on 2012.07.16 changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.3.3 released on 2012.05.20 changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.3.2 released on 2012.03.21 changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.3.1 released on 2011.09.07 changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.3.0 released on 2011.03.28 changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.2.6 released on 2010.12.03 changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.2.5 released on 2009.10.22 changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.2.4 released on 2009.7.14. changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.2.3 released on 2009.2.23. changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.2.2 released on 2009.1.14. changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.2.1 released on 2008.11.25. changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.2.0 released on 2008.10.19. changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.1.6 released on 2008.01.09. changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.1.5 released on 2007.09.20. changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.1.4 released on 2007.09.08. changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.1.3 released on 2007.08.30. changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.1.2 released on 2007.08.23. changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.1.1 released on 2007.08.18. changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.1.0 released on 2007.08.08. changes pls. see the release notes.
  • ucs v1.0.0 First relaesed version. (2007.07.18)

Release Notes:

ucs v1.3.6 contains the following changes:
1: Big enhancement for IDL parsing, using jree's enhanced regular expression.
2: Support multiple #pragma ID in one IDL file.

ucs v1.3.5.1 contains the following changes:
1: Update projects and SSL tools for SSL bugs.

ucs v1.3.5 contains the following changes:
1: Add tools and config file to support SSL for ucs
2: Add one -pssl option, so that we could set ssl listening port separately. Not mixed with non-ssl listenning port.
3: Optimize the GUI for caseTree display, make it easy to find the user's dependancy & match-condition setting
4: Correct one bug for Server Extension

ucs v1.3.4 contains the following changes:
1: Bug corrections contained in ucs v1.3.3.1 & ucs v1.3.3.2;
2: One bug correction (when insert operation in operation flow, if there is some replacement & match condition)

ucs v1.3.3.2 contains the following changes:
1: One bug correction (when running operation or operation flow in console mode)

ucs v1.3.3.1 contains the following changes:
1: One bug correction (when new/open/reload projects, it failed)

ucs v1.3.2 contains the following changes:
1: Big performance improvement, when some type indirectly involve lots of other types (such as big Union type)
2: Bug correction: un-correctly parsing the "union" type (case)

ucs v1.3.1 contains the following changes:
1: Support Mulitple Profile IOR
2: Provide IOR Merge Tool
3: Support Chinese/Non-English language text in Corba Message
4: Remove duplicate methods when interface has complex inheritance structure
5: Several Bugs fix

ucs v1.3.0 contains the following changes:
1: Support Orbix3 testing
3: Quick-Start Mode, very useful in Console mode
3: Support Ping IOR, Parse IOR, & Naming Service Browsing in Console mode
4: Add the support of anonymous sequence type in struct & valuetype, for example:
struct TTT
string one;
sequence<string> three;
5: Add the following anonymous & bounded support:
* bounded string and bounded wide string types
* Anonymous bounded string and bounded wide string types
* bounded sequence
* Anonymous bounded sequence
* Anonymous sequence & array
6: Performance improvement

ucs v1.2.6 contains the following changes:
1: Excellent support of Regular Value type
2: Add one very useful tool "CMTreeBrowser", which can easily browser the configuration data in Tree view
3: Add text-window for detailed information, when you double-click on the notification tables
4: more improvements & bug fix

ucs v1.2.5 contains the following changes:
1: Add one console option "-spc" to create SequencePushConsumer servant,which could receive notifications in Console mode
2: Start scripts improved
3: Fix some small bugs

ucs v1.2.4 contains the following changes:
1: Fix some small bugs
2: Add a new property "CorbaMNQ.notification.logtable.maxrow",
which is used to set the maximum row values for the table which storing the notifications.
3: Fix the memory leak problem in previous release version when receiving notifications for a lont time.
4: Add one console option "-op" to support execute one operation in console mode
5: Enable to select multiple operation files when adding the opertion file to the operation flow

ucs v1.2.3 contains the following changes:
1: Fix some small bugs
2: Change the default logging level for JacOrb tracing.

ucs v1.2.2 contains the following changes:
1: Support Box value type
2: Support Regular value type
3: Add "InsertOperatin" function
4: Add "MoveUp" Function
5: Add "MoveDown" Function
6: Add "SetRepetitionNumber" Function for every test suite
7: Add "SetComment" Function for every operation
8: Fix some bugs for v1.2.1

ucs v1.2.1 contains the following changes:
1: Add "Search test case", "Auto save all test case", "Auto load all test case" and "Auto load one test case" function
2: Add Chinese version User Manual
3: Add "SetExecutionNumber" Function for every test case
4: Fix some bugs for v1.2.0

ucs v1.2.0 Contain the following changes:
1: Add Command Line Support to run opflow and notification utility
2: Add GIOP tool
3: Add numeric type match and automatch in operation flow
4: Update UserGuide
5: Add plugin feature
6: Add disconnect operation in Notification Management panel
7: Add setting ior from file
8: Add option to config background color
9: Add option to config SequenceStructureEvent display for notification receiving
10:Add basic code generation for java
11: Fix many bugs

ucs v1.1.6 Contain the folowing changes:
1: add basic type (Corba Object) support
2: Bug-remove for ucs v1.1.5 (some error with corba exception type)
3: Add utility for the conversion between Java time & corba time

ucs v1.1.5 Contain the following changes:
1: Bug-remove for ucs v1.1.4 (java.lang.List --> java.util.List)
2: Make the first servant for interface to be persistent, (Tag is the interface name)
3: Improve the IDL browser function, provide the node positioning direclty in the original files.
change "CorbaMNQ.idl.deletecomments" to False in CorbaMNQ.properties
4: Imporve the java editor function

ucs v1.1.4 Contain the following changes:
1: Add one powerful server extension function, which will make the user could control the server simulator's output.
Detailed, pls. see the ServantCoding_guide.txt (in the doc folder)

ucs v1.1.3 Contain the following changes:
1: Support attributes in interface's operation
According to Corba Specification, attribute will be mapped to two (or one ) operation:
One is Get method: _get_+name of attribute
The Other is Set method: _set_ + name of attribute
If attribute is readonly, then only Get Method is available.
2: Add Fench-version user guide for UCS, many thanks for Mr. Motte Nicolas 's great contribution
3: Provide the default interface value for Client input & Servant output

ucs v1.1.2 Contain the following changes:
1: update jacorb.jar (to jacorb2.3)
2: impove parse ior output
3: remove one bug in IDL parsing (related on #pragma prefix)

ucs v1.1.1 Contain the following changes:
1: remove one bug for client simulation (when using the invoke menu "O_1", "O_2", "O_3"
2: Impoved Operation Flow
* support iterator function (UCS could check the return value, and then determine whether to execute
this operation again)
* Add "EnableIterator"
* Add "CancelIterator"
* display the operation flow name in the root node

ucs v1.1.0 is the second released version for Ultra Corba Simulaotr.
It contains the following changes:
1: Fix one IDL parsing bug in v1.0.0
2: Improve Operation Flow:
* Add "AutomaticAddMatchCondition" function
* Add "RemoveAllOperation" function
3: Add "TestCase Scripts Related Feature" description in User Manual.

ucs v1.0.0 is the first released version for Ultra Corba Simulator.

It contains the following features:
1: CORBA Client Side Simulation
-Fill request parameters by tree view
-Send request to servant side
-Display response result
-Save/restore operation data

2: CORBA Servant Side Simulation
-Fill response/exception by tree view
-Auto reply the request from client side
-Display incoming parameters
-Save/restore operation data

3: Operation Flow
-Execute operation sequence
-Set dependency of parameter
The parameter will be automatically replaced by result of previous operation
-Set match condition
It is used to compare the result of operation and generate test report
-Save/restore operation flow

4: IDL File Browser
-Highlight IDL syntax key word
-IDL syntax definition navigation

5: Test Spec Generation
-Select IDL elements by tree view and generate test spec for them
-The test spec is MS Excel format based and contains statistic functionality such as how many operations passed or failure.

6: Notification Service Management
-Browser notification service object & attribute such as Channel Factory, Event Channel and so on.
-Create/destroy object. E.g.: create channel
-Export object IOR

7: Naming Service Management
-Browser Naming Service object
-Export object IOR
-Bind/unbind Object with context

8: Notification Receiving & Browser
-Connect to specified event channel
-Receive all type of notification and parse & display all kinds of data
-Test Mode, only count the nubmer of recieved notifications, not display & store it.
-Sleep Mode, receiving could be suspened and resumed.

Copyright (c) 2004-2020 Regular Triangle Team (Zhang Guoyou -- Wei Chaojiong -- Zhang Dagang